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Playing Housewife

by Channie Greenberg

Playing housewife is leaping long from dories to battleships, likewise boasting thew,
Disallowing angry thoughts to rouse lizards when hedgehogs remain troublesome.
See, after twenty plus years’ email experience, also a comfort in distance instruction,
Postings bring jocks more than nerds, farm kids more than urbanites, viols, not drums.

Perhaps, intrepid students could be motivated to pay attention to their hyperhidrosis.
Maybe, if fashions’ followers heeded, not recognized, new patterns, we’d have hope.
Imaginably, kindly editors, who reject small persons’ submissions, want no legal
Woes, mean to concentrate on safeguarding dear ones, to protect from inimical ways.

Some kids take copious notes when professors’ poorly understood, colorful motives
Lead to boundary crossings - not from personal need, but unremitting entitlement.
Recall, with antisocial behaviors, flash’s ultimately a tougher sell than short fiction,
Notwithstanding grimoires, cookbooks, and autopsychic/solipsist ego-based topoi.

Supported abbreviated writing manifests fewer weaknesses than do longer forms.
Brief kinds of correction remain delightfully, inherently a lot more challenging.
Others’ successes can’t matter when seeking parking spaces on urban campuses.
Marvers, punties, also crystallized soppy clouds, boost susceptibility to bribery.

At just the right juncture, many pensioners devote grand resources to skydiving,
Or otherwise raise gelatinous wildebeests, which, in turn, seem extra churlish
To individuals already accepted to programs for installing up-to-date commodes,
For stealing materials repurposed for roads, walls, maybe even some animal pens.

Copyright © 2017 by Channie Greenberg

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