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Bewildering Stories

What’s in Issue 326

Novel Richard K. Lyon, The Long Dark Road to Wizardry
Breen, incensed at what he thinks is his cousin Druin’s double-dealing, challenges Druin to a duel with crossbows. Druin is nonchalant and asks Breen if he’ll be so kind as to wait; Druin is booked up with duels for the next four weeks or so. Breen begins to have second thoughts.
Book IV: The Whispering Mirror
Episode 2: A Duel to the Death Every Day for a Month
Episode 3: The Price of a City
Novella Bill Bowler, Upwyr
The Count makes himself at home and begins not only to thrive but to grow younger by the week. The lady Hope is mixed up in this somehow, much to Josey’s consternation and bewilderment.
Chapter 7: The Count, part 3; part 4
Serial Fred Looseman hears the lament of Gabriel, a harried and overworked computer technician. He transforms into the financial superhero Floozman, and with his retinue he rushes to the aid of Gabriel and others in the corporate empire. In the process, Floozman, Gabriel, and a mute file clerk learn something very important about themselves and what they do: Bertrand Cayzac, Floozman Saves a Technician, part 1; part 2Floozman sauve un tech.
New contributor Alan Delaney depicts a very knowledgeable Everyman surviving in a primeval forest. His mission is ultimately to determine what is really important in life: Awakening, part 1; conclusion.

Natural instincts serve a good purpose, but robbing banks is not one of them: David H. Fears, Many a Good Man.

What if a lonely little boy’s every dream could literally come true? Walter Giersbach, The Iceberg.

Duncan Grave does not stay to listen to the bard’s tale in the inn of the Sun and Moon; he has a mythological role to play: Sarah Ann Watts, Duncan Grave in The Sun and Moon, part 1; conclusion.
In a hospice, an old doctor and a porter strike up a friendship that extends to and even beyond the grave: Nick Allen, Dr Hargreaves.

New contributor Diane H. Bechtler portrays a woman trapped in a welter of guilt and betrayal: Night Drives.
Poetry New contributor R. J. Walker Miller, Exile’s End
Bertrand Cayzac, Gabriel’s Lament — Chant de Gabriel
Ashutosh Ghildiyal, Those Hills
Anna Ruiz, Footprints
New contributor Beverly A. Meyers recounts the memories of a young woman who has lost her sister but still cherishes her sister’s lovingly preserved coat: A Scent of Jasmine.


Welcome Bewildering Stories welcomes Diane Hoover Bechtler, Alan Delaney, Beverly Ann Meyers, R. J. Walker Miller.
Challenge Challenge 326 finds the meaning of A Scandalous Abundance.
The Art
A randomly rotating selection of Bewildering Stories’ art
NASA: Picture of the Day
Earth Observatory Picture of the Day

Randomly selected Bewildering motto:

Randomly selected classic rejection notice:

Bewildering Stories’ official mottoes:

“Poems are not made with ideas; they are made with words.” — Stéphane Mallarmé
Ars longa, vita brevis. Rough translation: “Proofreading never ends.”

To Bewildering Stories’ schedule: In Times to Come

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