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by Charles Richard Laing

After three straight box office disasters and a botched operation that failed to restore her unearthly glamour, the only way that Angeline could maintain her standard of living was to auction off her DNA on the internet. As morbid as it sounded, sitting at the computer and watching the aggressive bids drive the price up higher and higher gave her a thrill nearly akin to applause.

For months her blood was a hot item. She made a fortune. Thanks to her, dozens of unborn infants would grow up to become great spliced beauties. Then the market dried up.

Next she got involved with celebrity organ donation. Kidney. Spleen. Liver. Lung. Lung. Kidney. The money was good, but one everything inside her was replaced by clay and plastic that stopped too.

Angeline held out as long as she could, but eventually she gave up. She knew it was over. Knowing she had reached the bottom and could sink no further, she finally called her agent and agreed to do the sit-com.

Copyright © 2006 by Charles Richard Laing

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