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A Floating City

by Catherine Coundjeris

Skyscrapers hovering,
a city floats in the clouds,
supported by silken threads.
Eyewitnesses declare the same story:
could it be
Fata Morgana?
A mirage?
No, the vision is too high.

I fell on my knees
the other day.
Laid low by age and weakness,
I gaze at clouds
and wonder
at my limits...
at the limitless horizons.
Then I ponder the galaxy and beyond.

The sky darkens,
lights linger above me
as planes and helicopters dance overhead.
Lights blur together.
Someone else sees an unexplained phenomenon:
aliens or angels, I do not know.

Other times, the tinkling music of Elysium’s gates
sometimes tickles my ears.
Laughter wafts over the hills.
Visions against patches of a blue and white sky
float beyond, arranging and rearranging themselves.
I imagine rainbow castles filling the sky.
Treetops cushion the footprints
of Sky Dwellers...

Almost I see eternity...

Copyright © 2022 by Catherine Coundjeris

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