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Bewildering Stories

Challenge 1008


  1. In Gary Inbinder’s Phantom Point:

    1. How did Max Niemand attempt to obtain possession of the Phantom Point plat map? What were the consequences?
    2. Why does Max stay with Peg rather than Eve or Roxy?
    3. What distinguishes Max as a “hard-boiled” detective rather than as one in the noir genre?
  2. In Shauna Checkley’s The Mighty Sound of Nothing: Why does Rob return after walking out on Starr? Why does he assume she’ll take him back? What does Starr seem to miss most about him?

  3. In Ron Sanders’ The Canyon Killer: Does the point of view shift in the conclusion alter in any way the depiction of the killer’s mental processes in the previous section?

  4. In John Bukowski’s Take Me to Your Liquor: How might the story conclude as a joke rather than as a tragedy?

  5. In Anna Ruiz’s Concubine:

    1. Is “Charles B.” Charles Baudelaire, author of Les Fleurs du mal? Why might one think so? If not, who else might it be?
    2. What does the conclusion mean: “daring you to be real”?

Responses welcome!

date Copyright © August 7, 2023 by Bewildering Stories
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