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The Way of Kay

by Alan P. Garfoot

As I lie here damaged and broken,
Fractured to a thousand shards,
My burnt-out mind scatters as I fear everything,
Spanning all tormented memories and visions.

Then the shadows slowly melt away.
As the darkness dissolves and evaporates,
I feel the warm light of your nourishing soul,
And the loving essence of your noble heart.

As you reach out to me across the ether,
Your spirit connects to mine across the void.
You gracefully take my hand in yours,
And the sun shines with your spiritual glow.

Then for a moment the sadness softly begins to lift,
And I breathe a sigh of relief and release.
A peaceful moment mind to mind and soul to soul,
With a kindred spirit who sees the actual person,
Comprehends my genuine nature, reality and truth.

So, for being with me at that point in my life,
In my thoughts in their very essence,
During those darkest and truly bleak moments.
Will you allow me to dignify and to enshrine in these words,
The truly profound beauty which is your heart and soul.

Copyright © 2023 by Alan P. Garfoot

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