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Nkume the Goat

by Dione Precious Abwe Betika

Nkume was a goat like no other. It was a pet, companion, friend and guard to the Mbuku family. The Mbukus were a simple and happy family, and Nkume was their only property. They loved Nkume like he was a member of the family.

And he was cared for. When Nkume got sick, the Mbukus would do everything within their power to make him comfortable. Nkume would follow the Mbukus to the farm and to the stream to fetch water. Nkume followed them everywhere, even to parties and funerals. He was a very obedient goat.

Sadly, one day Papa Mbuku fell ill. They had no money to treat him at the hospital. Mama Mbuku was worried and afraid; she ran to Chief Aka to borrow money. Chief Aka was a greedy, rich man, the richest man in their village. Chief Aka agreed to lend Mama Mbuku some money, which she used to get her husband Papa Mbuku to the hospital.

A few weeks later, Papa Mbuku got well and became strong again. He returned home, but the family did not have Chief Aka’s money. Weeks passed, months passed and they still did not have Chief Aka’s money. Every time Chief Aka came to the Mbukus they only had kola nuts to offer.

One fateful morning, Chief Aka came as usual to collect his money and, as the previous times, the Mbukus did not have it. Chief Aka, who had always admired Nkume the goat, seized Nkume and said, “I will return your goat only when you have my money.” As he took their goat away, the Mbukus cried and pleaded but Chief Aka refused to listen. Nkume the goat bleated, because it did not want to leave, but it was forced to.

On reaching Chief Aka’s house, Nkume the goat was resistant. After many attempts to move Nkume had no success, Chief Aka found a large stick and gave him a beating. Nkume became ill after the incident, and he remained sad thereafter. One morning, Nkume pretended to be dead and, when Chief Aka saw it, he was afraid. “Oh my! Is Nkume dead?”

Chief Aka was worried. He decided he would return the crazy goat. Late at night, he carried Nkume and dumped him at the Mbukus’ compound. Once Chief Aka left, Nkume woke up, shook himself, and went inside to sleep.

The following morning, Chief Aka came running and sweating. He apologized and promised never to disturb the Mbukus again. They need not worry about paying back the money they owed him.

After he left, the Mbukus, still in shock, heard the bleating of their beloved goat. They were happy and thankful Nkume was all right. They lived happily ever after.

Copyright © 2023 by Dione Precious Abwe Betika

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