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A Day in August

by Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Who wrote this story?
Forrest Armstrong
Chris Chapman
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson
J.B. Hogan
R D Larson
David Marshall
Mary B. McArdle
Allen McGill
C. Meton
Sylvia Nickels
Rachel Parsons
Phillip Pettit
L.R. Quilter
Slawomir Rapala
Roberto Sanhueza
Robert L. Sellers, Jr
Tamara Sheehan
E.S. Strout

Everything is white. Wait... Everything is still white. I think I’ll just stare at that for a moment now... there we go. I’m awake, really. Better look around. Yes, it’s white all around all right, at least from where I can see. An entirely white room.

It is made of some sort of cloth, and I can hear it flapping in the wind. It must be pretty bright outside, because the material is letting in plenty of light. I can see the stitches clearly above me.

Speaking of that, I better sit up... Big mistake! The room is spinning... I feel like I need to hurl... Behind that chair there in the corner! Quick! I jump off the table I woke up on and the vomit came out before I realised, but it all goes the same way – behind the chair... I hope.

I feel my stomach empty out. Better stay here for a minute, just in case anything more wants out... Okay, let’s sit down and check out the situation.

I am in a tent of some sort, a white one, with a table in the middle. Why was I sleeping on top of that? The memories are hazy. There is a bench on each side, I sit in this padded chair in the corner, and next to me is a small coffee-table, with a container on top of it.

I check out the container. Buttered bread, with ham, caviar and something else I don’t want to know because I need to puke again...

That was better. Now I suppose I better get out of here before someone discovers what I have left for them in the corner. Now, how do I get out? Damn tents! There must be a zipper on there somewhere... but I am too dizzy to find it... wait! Here it is!

And I escape. To the mud. And hundreds of these white tents, all in an array before me. I look around. There’s this muddy path between them. There are some mats in front of some tents, but they are covered in mud. The whole place smells like a port-a-potty on fire. Looks like there is nobody around, I might be able to escape.

I reach the end of the long line of tents. There is a small pond there, or a medium-sized one, with a little bridge across. There is a lot of junk floating in the water. A few steps to the right there’s a colourful structure of some sort. There are a few windows on it. There’s someone in one, selling popcorn to a kid. They are one of three people I can see there. The third one is ambling out of a large tent across the pond. He is wearing fluorescent bib-overalls and a camo hat.

That reminds me, what am I wearing? I should have known: fluorescent rainclothes. And a camo hat. I must look ridiculous. Better get out of here quick.

What a strange place... there’s a red windmill there... plenty of small igloo tents on what appears to be a golf course. Someone is sleeping on top of one, holding a bottle on his chest. And there, on the other side, next to that medieval shanty is a lighthouse.

A medieval shanty? Forget about it... Let’s just leave. It looks like the cops are here already. I can see their car near an ugly hut next to that medieval structure. Just act naturally. Sure. Nothing wrong with being dressed in an orange raincoat on a sunny day. Not when there’s a lighthouse and a windmill. And hundreds of odd white tents in neat lines.

Must be some sort of a cult. My head is aching. Is that blood? Yes it is. Now there’s a gate. There are two men guarding it with a dog. Wait... oh what the hell. I’ll just try walking out casual-like. They seem more interested in people coming in anyway than me. Or do they?

Let’s find out.

Copyright © 2006 by Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

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