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Sarafina’s Sparklicious Adventure

by Richard Magahiz

All that adventure talk is out of date.
Now they say priceless treasures
sit out on doorsteps.

“Things are different, you know,” she goes,
in her wide jeans and cute shoes,
and a sack of Christmas savings
across her round shoulder.

So her and her friend’ll
call up a ride.
Easy peasy!
BS their way past minions,
and charm their way
past jerkwads —
cross the drawn-butter seas
to the crushed-garlic isles —
snatch up the booty
(while breaking hearts
under a morning star) —
strike a pose
at the prettiest vistas,
traipsing back.

Nothing to stress about;
they’ve scoped out
how it’ll go down.
Plus, if they didn’t,
they’d just die
waiting for something
to happen around this place.
Some ballsy gang’d
get the glory.
Hearing them brag
would kill them.


She knows
it comes to trust.
The time is now,
and it just takes will.
Won’t it be for good?
Won’t it be epic?

Copyright © 2023 by Richard Magahiz

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