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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories welcomes...

Heather Robinson

Heather lives in Connecticut with her husband, a “witty artist,” and enjoys cooking, refinishing furniture and the outdoors, especially the beach. She has had a “long and winding” professional career that includes marketing, medicine, real estate and even private investigation. Her favorite modes of writing is dark comedy, She has published extensively.

Stages of Grief” has a forbidding title that nonetheless fits a dark comedy where Sergeant Tony Porpoli finds that Mr. Sterling has engaged in a belated case of cremation. Literal-minded readers will say, “Aw, couldn’t happen!” and thereby miss the point. The center of the story is Porpoli’s gradual understanding of Sterling’s handicap and his compassion for Sterling’s state of mind.

Heather Robinson’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Heather. We hope to hear from you again soon and often!

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