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Bewildering Stories

The Readers’ Guide

What’s in Issue 783

News Bewildering Stories has no official holiday issues; there wouldn’t be enough weeks in the year for them, if we did. However, at the end of October, certain kinds of stories tend to emerge, “when seniors whisper cautionary legends to freshmen in residence hall conversations that last after midnight, when you can see leaves falling from the trees at a time around Halloween, and strange shadows flicker on the walls...”
Novel Chief Schiavelli and up-and-coming Eartha Wayne receive surprise visits from well-dressed gentlemen who have ulterior motives.
Charles C. Cole, Murder in New Eden
Chapter 22: A Spy in Costume
New contributor Ben Bielert shows how a timorous but trusting young man might learn something from an interstellar traveling salesman’s smooth pitch: The Jeeling Arrival, part 1; part 2; conclusion.

Clark, a young scholar, finds it natural and fun to hobnob with ghosts in the local graveyard at night. The revenants don’t see it in quite the same way: Nick Pipitone, Graveyard Carnival.

New contributor Subodhana Wijeyeratne depicts a society in chains where love may yet find two lovers when They Meet in the Wall, part 1; part 2; conclusion.
New contributor Dennis Mombauer asks who’s really the enemy of a military outpost with a mysterious mission in The Eidolic Void.

Classic Reissue: Don Webb recalls an old but edifying Halloween-type tale in The Flying Dutchman of MacKinnon Hall.
Poetry Matthew Harrison, What It Will Be Like
Ken Poyner, Mixed Mission
Gregg Dotoli, Geomart Sale
Robin Helweg-Larsen, Interplanetary Explorer


Welcome Bewildering Stories welcomes Dennis Mombauer and Subodhana Wijeyeratne.
Challenge Challenge 783 sings, “And the Walls Come A-Tumbling Up.”
The Art
A randomly rotating selection of Bewildering Stories’ art
NASA: Picture of the Day
Sky and Telescope, This Week’s Sky at a Glance

Randomly selected Bewildering motto:

Randomly selected classic rejection notice:

Bewildering Stories’ official mottoes:

“Poems are not made with ideas; they are made with words.” — Stéphane Mallarmé
Ars longa, vita brevis. Rough translation: “Proofreading never ends.”

To Bewildering Stories’ schedule: In Times to Come

Readers’ reactions are always welcome.
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date Copyright © October 29, 2018 by Bewildering Stories

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