Bewildering Stories

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A Visit from Death

by Lanaia Lee

How does one explain this pain?
How does one keep from going insane?
How can you keep from playing this awful game?
We all know the cursed name.

Several visits from the grim reaper
Each time he makes my pain grow deeper
But by the goodness of the almighty keeper
I have learned how to handle this awful creeper.

Six children I have lost
And that was such a big cost
With my feelings all jumbled and tossed
I learned to fight through that thick,thick moss.

Today for this I am strong
So maybe their deaths weren’t so very wrong
Even though quite often I long
To hear my children's song.

So what can I say?
Except there will come a joyous day
When my children and I can play
In that field of dreams beyond decay.

Copyright © 2003 by Lanaia Lee