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Bewildering Stories

The Readers’ Guide

What’s in Issue 462

Novel Earth falls prey to an avian flu epidemic. Meanwhile, Prof. Melichson has an idea for a new mode of interstellar transportation:
euhal allen, The Bridge: a New Beginning
Chapter 1: Starting Over, part 3
Novellas The expedition arrives at Planet X. Omar suddenly and finds himself as he’s always been — alone:
Bill Bowler, The Shepherd of Zakhbaal
Chapter 3: The Welcome Mat

Dr. Steve Hawk introduces Michael to other denizens of the city and undertakes Michael’s medical treatment: Faith H. Goble, Birdland, chapter 3.
What shall Blooze make of little Shan, who glows and can ‘read’ people but doesn’t talk much until Susannah intervenes? Jewel Beth Davis, The Glow Boy.

Kindness can make an otherwise indifferent painting invaluable at any price: Arthur Mackeown, The Yellow Road.

Sometimes observing ancient traditions can be more trouble than it’s worth: S. J. McKenzie, The Gruagach and the Milk Stone, part 1; conclusion.

All this lady‘s house needs is gingerbread trimming: Ron Van Sweringen, The Well Wisher.
New contributor Sasha Kimi tells a story of a technological future that’s just a little too true to be good: The Green Bug Bites.
Poetry Alessandro Cusimano, The Lie — La Menzogna
Rebecca Lu Kiernan, Our Beautiful Li(f)e
Mariah Sells, Age Twenty-Six
Julie Wornan, Black Cat in a Garden


Welcome Bewildering Stories welcomes Sasha Kimi.
Challenge Challenge 462 advises: Crash But Don’t Burn.
The Art
A randomly rotating selection of Bewildering Stories’ art
NASA: Picture of the Day
Sky and Telescope, This Week’s Sky at a Glance

Randomly selected Bewildering motto:

Randomly selected classic rejection notice:

Bewildering Stories’ official mottoes:

“Poems are not made with ideas; they are made with words.” — Stéphane Mallarmé
Ars longa, vita brevis. Rough translation: “Proofreading never ends.”

To Bewildering Stories’ schedule: In Times to Come

Readers’ reactions are always welcome.
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