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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories welcomes...

Maria Kontak

Maria was born in Poland and moved to the States at a young age. In true Eastern European fashion, Maria has acquired a staggering number of languages and a knowledge of several national literatures. After a business career that has taken her across the world, she says she finds writing is no longer like a dome that can’t be reached but like a cloak falling softly around her shoulders.

Maria has been a valued Associate Editor of Bewildering Stories for some time now. We’re very happy to introduce her to our readers with “Painting Faces.” The story introduces Velma, who loves her work as a beautician, and her friend Lauren, who takes Velma’s example to heart. To answer our own Challenge question: love stories are a dime a dozen, but a story of love is a rare and precious thing.

Maria Kontak’s bio sketch can be found here.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Maria. We’re looking forward to your next story!

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