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Bewildering Stories

What’s in Issue 256

Bewildering Stories News

Novel Claës Lundin, Oxygen and Aromasia
An early classic of science fiction takes a look 500 years into the future, to the year 2378:
Chapter 1: Aromasia’s Garden
Novella Bob Brill, Adventures of a Botanist
What species would not want to seek safe haven from what humanity is doing to Earth? Of course, that species would first have to overcome its own political intrigues and factional squabbles...
Chapter 11: Operation Cleanup, part 1; part 2
Chapter 12: Happy Ending, conclusion
Serial New contributor Evan Appelman begins a bi-worldly theodical romp: The Masters of Triage, part 1; part 2.
New contributor Bryan D. Catherman leads us on a grim chase in a post-Cold War espionage thriller in the underworld of the cartels: Six Feet Over Carlos Cleats, part 1; part 2; part 3; conclusion.

Something can be said after all for not having one’s heart in the right place: Bertil Falk, The Hit of a Marksman, part 1; conclusion.

Beauty is no luxury, it’s a necessity. And it can be found in literature: Branigan Grace, Finding Beauty.

It’s a lovely day in the neighborhood... in dystopic California: Marjorie Salzwedel, The Tree Museum, part 1; conclusion.

Fernando Sorrentino depicts a tourist trap to end all tourist traps in An Enlightening Book — Spanish original: Un Libro Esclaracedor.
New contributor Richard K. Lyon shows how an artificial intelligence can gain leverage despite — or perhaps even because of — bureaucracy: The Menace of the Pink Lagoons.

Bill West depicts a sad hallucination of horror: Sam Haine.
Poetry Camille Alexa, Doe Test-Drives Venus Model 237
New contributor Richard H. Fay, West Dingleton’s Loss of Humanity
Michael Lee Johnson, A Poem of the Night


Welcome Bewildering Stories welcomes Evan Appelman, Bryan Catherman, Richard H. Fay, and Richard K. Lyon.
Challenge Challenge 255 response: Carol Reid writes about “From a Distance”

Challenge 256 finds A Way In and a Way Out.

The Art
A randomly rotating selection of Bewildering Stories’ art
NASA: Picture of the Day
The Reading
Danielle L. Parker reviews John C. Wright, Fugitives of Chaos
Editorial Jerry Wright, Stressing Out

Bewildering Stories News

Time Shift: Issues 256 and 257 are being posted in the Pacific rather than the Eastern time zone.

Updates: The Biographies & Bibliographies have fallen behind on account of Bewildering Stories’ recent server problems. New bios have been posted, but it will take a little while to bring the veterans’ bios up to date. Issues 223-249 have been restored. I’ll check on the departments and update Bewildering Press as soon as I can. — Ye Copy Editor

Randomly selected Bewildering motto:

Randomly selected classic rejection notice:

Bewildering Stories’ official mottoes:

“Poems are not made with ideas; they are made with words.” — Stéphane Mallarmé
Ars longa, vita brevis. Rough translation: “Proofreading never ends.”

To Bewildering Stories’ schedule: In Times to Come

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