Bewildering Stories

Joel Gn writes about...

moving ahead

To the editors of Bewildering Stories,

Hello, its me again. Yeah, I know it has been a long time since I posted. Life’s turning points leave me with little time these days. Attend school about three times a week, the rest of the time is spent hosting children’s shows to earn my keep. Been writing music reviews for my friend’s magazine. It is a joint business venture, so really hoping it works out.

Been reading the forums on the site recently, just to keep myself informed on how you guys are evolving at the other side of the globe. It seems that there are plans to go “semipro” and hopefully, to be able to take on the status of the more established publications out there.

In my honest opinion, the development of speculative fiction as a genre still has a long away to go, despite facing a saturation point of writers and audience in the USA. If you were to measure it out on an international scale, you will find that there are many places where stuff like that is considered novel.

So now back to the point. It is wise that BwS has decided to keep the whole enterprise online rather than bring it out in print. The audience and reception is wide. The problem is really not about whether you people pay but how the recognition you guys deserve can be achieved. It is more about developing cutting-edge web layouts, giving the contributors maximum exposure to hone their skills, and promoting a more diverse following through the readers. On that note, I really feel you guys have come a long way since you first started, and I do hope to see BwS expand its horizons in the many issues to come.

Well, on another matter entirely. This story was written last year after taking a sudden interest in NASA’s proposed space program to Mars. I always have a habit of writing about frail, disturbed individuals searching for their place in this world. So I guess after this, I should try to work on other stuff before readers start to stereotype me

Been keeping a blog for the past two years. Thought you guys might be interested:

Gonna work on a new one soon, if time permits.

Au Revoir,


Thanks for the good words, Joel; they’re informative as well as encouraging. We’re trying to do what you suggest. And what you’re doing sounds interesting, too. Hosting children’s shows? Sounds lively!

We’re looking forward to the appearance of your latest story, “Fossil.” Don’t worry about stereotyping: in the end we all have one “larger” story to tell. Just tell it well and, as the saying goes, the audience will come.


Copyright © 2005 by Joel Gn

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