Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories welcomes...

William Spear

William notes that our mission statement invites drama. Quite true. We’ve frequently published stories that could easily be made into stage plays, but “Dead Men Don’t Party” is the first formal dramatic script we’ve ever received that I know of.

One thing in the script immediately jumps out at the reader: a play and a short story are two different things. Prose fiction would never give away the recognition at the beginning, as “Dead Men” does in its cast of characters. But a dramatic script has to tell the actors at the outset how to play their roles. The plot itself seems to be almost an outline of a short story, and a radio play can have little or no visual description. But therein lies its dramatic value: we can see how the actors’ interpretation and the sound effects become all the more important.

William Spear has been writing drama for ten years and is the founder of the Hunterdon Radio Theatre. He has plays currently in performance in New York city and environs.

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, William. We hope to hear from you again soon and often!

William Spear’s bio sketch can be accessed here.

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