Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories welcomes...

M. Scott Harris

Now I’m getting curious: what do our authors have in common? Location in many instances, and profession as well. We have a few technical writers among us, and now Scott and Laurie Seidler combine in this issue to increase the number of journalists.

But location is out in this case, I think: Scott works in Washington, D. C., which is the “other Washington” for the many Bewildering Stories contributors who live in Washington state. It’s all in one’s point of view, I suppose.

Scott’s first story for us, “Sidewalk Chunk,” provides a model for building an air of mystery. What is the boy (we presume that’s who it is, but we don’t really know) going to do with that chunk of sidewalk pavement? And then, when we realize what consequences he intends, the question arises: why? Does he even know, himself?

Welcome to Bewildering Stories, Scott. We hope to hear from you again soon and often!

Scott’s biography and bibliography can be accessed here.

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