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Bewildering Stories

Jason A. Feingold

Bewildering Stories biography

After having ended a career of over fifteen years teaching in public schools, I decided that my frustration level had sunk to almost normal proportions. Not knowing what to do with merely human stress levels, I decided to throw myself to the publishing wolves.

To my infinite surprise, I’ve slain a few, with works published in the 99 Pine Street, Allegory, and Amarillo Bay literary journals. I also have a story coming out in the October issue of Infernal Ink Magazine. I’m currently contributing to and editing an anthology about a ruined home called “The Eight Story House,” due to be out later this year.

When I’m not writing, I’m either reading, keeping house, being a husband, raising a son, or volunteering as a Guardian Ad Litem in the rural North Carolina county in which I live.

To learn more about me and my work, please come and visit at

Copyright © 2015 by Jason A. Feingold

Bewildering Stories bibliography

Prose Fiction
Grad Student Detective

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