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Bewildering Stories

Danko Antolovic

Bewildering Stories biography

I am a scientist and technologist by training and profession. On that side of my life, I have done many interesting, even delightful things, in quantum chemistry, in robotics and machine vision, and in wireless communication technology. I have written reams of technical prose and computer code, with no regrets.

On this side of life, I am a fairly avid reader: my favorite writers are Thomas Mann, Lewis Carroll, Italo Calvino, and a few others. Classical mythology has also always been a large presence in my intellectual life: these old stories are such a fascinating mix of adventure, ribaldry and silliness, held together by a deep, jaded understanding of human condition.

My author’s website is available at Goodreads.

Twitter handle: @DankoAntolovic

Copyright © 2018 by Danko Antolovic

Bewildering Stories bibliography

Prose Fiction
My Name Is Daedalus
The Ancestors’ Long Shadow

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